I was keen to see a different type of butterfly again this week so set out to find some hairstreaks and White Admirals. It was a trip to Oakley Woods again as the website has pictures of White Admirals there and as there are a bunch of Oak tree my book suggests that there should be a reasonable chance of finding some Purple Hairstreaks at this time of the year. The plan was to find some oaks with a sunny glade next to them and the hairstreaks should occasionally fly down to any areas of grass. White admirals apparently enjoy brambles so I’d check them out.
Needless to say my (somewhat limited) planning was to no avail. I ended up seeing loads of Speckled Woods, Green veined whites, a silver washed fritillary (couldn’t get a photo), a red admiral and a gatekeeper. I think the winds were too high for the hairstreaks to venture out of the canopy (assuming they are there in the first place!).